Latest Articles

  • Chiodi per scarponi da wading troutline-tungsten-studs-for-wading-bootsI chiodi per scarponi da pesca sono un accessorio “must-have” per i pescatori. Se desiderate la migliore stabilità al momento della pesca quando entrate nell’acqua, le suole in feltro o le suole VIBRAM non bastano, nella mia opinione. Io non faccio una passeggiata nel fiume, ma guado e vado nelle zone profonde e pericolose dei fiumi. Mi serve ...
  • My nymphs for Dunajec and San rivers nymphs for DunajecI love to fish trout, is a fantastic fish, smart, a a great fighter and difficult to catch if is picky. I like to tie all the time “fresh” nymphs for starting season. Unfortunately I leaved Italy for Romania and here the fishing season starts on first may. So I have to go in Poland, ...
  • Perdigon Nymphs – Spanish success perdigonePerdigon nymphs were for a few good year the secret flies for Spanish fishermen competitors. They had fantastic results with these flies. Now perdigon flies are not a secret anymore. At first look these flies are quite disappointing, very simple, overloaded with a big tungsten bead, slim body ...
  • Fishing calendars from my friend Rob fishing-calendarsI received today 2 beautiful fishing calendars from my friend Rob.I ordered a week ago and I received them very fast , in one week shipping time. I was impressed by the quality of these calendars. The quality of the paper is fantastic, photos from each page are perfect. It was a delight for ...
  • Wings for dun flies tied with CDC dun-fly-tied-with-spread-CDC-wingWings for dun flies tied with CDC can be made in different ways. CDC feathers are highly appreciate for dun flies because this material is more appropriate to imitate better insects in dun stage. The wings can be tied in Fratnic style, practically the simplest way to make them. Also this ...
  • Wading studs for boots run-out-studs Wading studs for fishing boots are a must have accessories for a fisherman. If you want to have the best stability in fishing time when you go in waters then only felt sole or only vibram sole are not enough – in my opinion. I don’t take a walk in river, I wade ...
  • Dry flies for my friends flies-that-I-tie-for-my-friends-by-Lucian-VasiesThese are dry flies that I tie when I have time for my friends. Yellow Condor Dun in size #14, 16 and 18. The story with this fly started a few good years ago when I went for fishing for my first time in Slovenia on Sava. I noticed some yellow dun flies in air and fish ...
  • Winged Nymphs special-nymphsThis type of nymphs are new developed based on 2 years of fishing in rivers with high educated fish. I use this fly especially for trout in deep, medium or low running pools where big fish are located. The nymph bellow is one of my favorite for trout: One for grayling:
  • Photos and crops from fish caught in my fishing days colorsI like to share with you guys a few photos and crops of fish caught in my years of fishing. I will update these photos all the time. I noticed that colors of fish from deep lakes and from water with dark bottom are more intense and more nicely colored. I hope you like ...
  • Tie Better your flies no.2 – biots and herls for bodies body-fly-tied-with-biot by Lucian Vasies“Tie Better your flies no.2 – biots and herls for bodies” is the second article dedicated for beginners. It is about biots and herls used with great results by some tiers but not so used and appreciated like should be by the mass of fly tiers. On the market you’ll find different types of biots. ...

One thought on “Latest Articles

  1. Domnilor, sincere felicitari pentru munca pe care o faceti acolo. Bravo voua!

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